Hindi Language @ Leiden University

Thank you for your interest in learning Hindi at Leiden University. Here is a brief introduction of the language along with the tools & methods we use to learn Hindi at Leiden University.

Hindi (an Indo-European language) is the 3rd most widely spoken language of the world. It is mainly spoken in India (where it is the official language of the union), and also among large Indian diasporas in Europe, North America, Australia & the Middle East. Proficiency in this critical language is the key to unlocking access not only to a huge market, but also to a cultural treasure trove of literature, cinema, music, & much more. Knowledge of Hindi is crucial for a range of careers relating to south Asia and its rapidly changing society. Hindi is written in Devanagari script which it shares with several other south Asian languages like Sanskrit, Nepali, Marathi, Sindhi, Pali etc.

Hindi language courses at Leiden university, use a learner-centered approach for instruction of the language. In teaching of Hindi as a foreign language at Leiden University, we have implemented and utilized our own eclectic set of blended learning and flipped learning tools which promote better learning experience, self-assessment, larger diversification in studying which enables better access to learning.

The study guide for Hindi -1 Beginners starting in January 2024 can be viewed here


Some of the Interesting pedagogical tools we use for learning Hindi at Leiden, are:

Grammar Video Tutorials

In our Hindi Language courses at Leiden University, for ease of learning and revision at home, we use sets of prerecorded grammar video tutorials which explain the grammatical structures of Hindi language through slides, images and explanation. These videos cover all the important grammar points discussed in 4 semesters of Hindi language instruction, and are available for registered students via BrightSpace. A sample of this useful resource can be seen through this YouTube link



Learn Hindi on Instagram!



A place for visual learning of Hindi words, Indian society and culture. A word a day in Hindi.


An audio station for Hindi words and phrases to help your learning.



Interactive flashcards to help you learn Hindi script, words, and Phrases. Each course (i.e. Hindi-1, 2,3 & 4) has a devoted  class on Quizlet with all relevant grammar and vocabulary flash cards.

Here is one to learn Hindi alphabets (Syllabary) with letters, and sound.




Game based learning in class or outside. At the end of each work group, we play an interactive game with Kahoot to check our knowledge and to revise what we have learnt in the tutorial. One sample Kahoot can be played here. Try it out –

Kahoot India Film Quiz

An overview of our Blended Language Learning Methodology can be seen here





Welcome to Hindi language learning at Leiden University. लायडन विश्वविद्यालय में हिन्दी सीखने के लिए आपका स्वागत है (lāyḍan viśvavidyālay mēṁ hindī sīkhnē kē liē āpkā svāgat hai)